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  • 45 mins CHF 110.- (x10 = CHF1000.-)

  • 1 hour CHF 130.- (x10 = CHF1100.-)

  • 1.15 hour CHF 150.- (x10 = CHF1300.-)

  • 1.30 hour CHF 170.- (x10 = CHF1500.-)

Your home:

  • + CHF 80.- (options to group massage at one place)

Fitness & Movement

Studio | Outdoor:

  • 1 hour CHF120.-  (x10 = CHF 1000.-)


Your home:

  • + CHF 50.- 

Massage : a process of improvement



As the Body Work on the massage table combined with the personal physical development routines and/or guided movement class, overall well being will improve and become part of a virtuous circle :


  • A better posture is adopted.

  • Breathing pattern improves.

  • Less useless energy is expended both at rest and during effort.

  • The body and mind are in harmony and less tense.

  • The trigger points (hyper irritable points of the skeletal muscles) are released.

  • Joint range of motion, physical awareness and performances improve.

  • Chronic pain fades away.

  • Your self-confidence is strengthened.

  • You are less likely to injure yourself.

  • You gain control over your reactions to the environment.

  • Priority is given to what matters. 

  • Your mind is clear therefore you can Be.


The massage table and movement practice become a gateway to a constant process of self-improvement.


FAQ & Code of Ethic
Are your treatments recognized by insurance companies?
Yes, massages are reimbursed by insurance companies if you have a complementary health insurance with one of the ASCA group's partners. Please check directly with your insurance company to see how many treatments are authorized per year.
I am accredited by ASCA for classical massage.
ASCA list



First visit, arrival times and clinic policy :
The clinic is located at Rue des Vollandes, 1.
It is recommended that you arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time to allow you to relax, use the restroom if necessary, make yourself a self-serve hot beverage, and make yourself comfortable in the lounge where we will meet with. If you are running late and other clients are following you I won't be able to extend your treatments.



Rescheduling and cancellation policy :
Obviously some situations may require you to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Please give 24 hours notice. This will allow another client waiting for an appointment to be scheduled in that time slot. If you cancel less than 24 hours in advance, we will not be able to offer that time slot to other clients.



What can I expect from my appointment?
A fully professional treatment by a highly trained therapist. After meeting your therapist at the reception room, you will proceed to the treatment room. This is the time to explain any health issues, chronic or recent pain, old or new injuries, and ask any questions you may have about the treatment. You will then be left alone to undress and lie down on the table. The therapist will knock before coming back into the room and making sure you are comfortable. Throughout the treatment, you will be asked for your input on pressure, room temperature, comfort etc. After the treatment, the therapist will leave you again so you can get dressed. The last part of the treatment is the prescription of exercises for your follow-up appointment and the discussion of a treatment plan including your follow-up visit and progress goals.



How much clothing should I take off?
Keep your underwear on, for women the bra can both be removed or kept on depending on individual's comfort; you will be asked for it to be unhook  when the back area get massaged. The therapist will drape you properly at all times, exposing only the area being worked on.


Payment options:
Card and cash 
are accepted.



How and when to book?
Your treatments can be booked by following the 'book an appointment' links on the website or by contacting me by phone or email. 
After booking what you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to access the studio.



Frequency of massages ?
This is to be personalized. Not everyone reacts the same way to remedial massage

Chronic pain (more than 3 months): a consistent guideline is that it takes between 2 to 5 treatments to make a substantial difference. What I see as a therapist is that pain that has settled in is usually not something that happens overnight and logically some work over time will be needed to release deeper layers, make corrective movements and renew areas of tension at a cellular level. However, most of my clients feel better after the first session and together we will establish a coherent and measurable action plan. 

Acute pain (sudden, intense, less than 3 months): 2 to 4 treatments in close succession within 2 weeks is a strategy that works most often.


Maintaining and developing a healthy routine: of the people who come to see me, the ones who see the most benefit are the ones who integrate massage into their personal development physical activity routine trusting in the long term process.




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